Anxiety, if untreated or misdiagnosed can result in the development of medical problems or even suicide. It is important that you are aware of all of the symptoms associated with anxiety so that you will be able to properly treat it before it becomes a serious problem.
There are many different types of anxiety and there are some common symptoms. Anxiety is also referred to as worry, fear, nervousness, or tension, and it generally begins during childhood.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is the most common type of anxiety disorder. GAD is characterized by persistent worry, negative feelings, and difficulty concentrating. This is commonly brought on by a stressful event or life situation that happens around age 15.
Panic Disorder is a condition in which people experience anxiety attacks, rapid heartbeat, hyperventilation, nausea, vomiting, sweating, hot flashes, tingling, feeling dizzy, faint, chest pain, trouble breathing, and numbness. People suffering from panic disorders have extremely high levels of anxiety and there is little control over their anxiety.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression are often confused, as are specific types of anxiety. They are all symptoms of a condition, though not all of these conditions are treatable.
People with panic disorder can feel the need to avoid situations that make them anxious, such as parties, public speaking, or being at work. With Panic Disorder, you may not be able to control the feeling of fear, but you should try to find ways to cope with your anxiety before it becomes overwhelming.
Depression can have a negative impact on your daily life. You might find yourself avoiding social situations, avoid talking to others and avoid spending time with family and friends. If you feel as though you are losing your mind, you may want to seek treatment for depression.
Many people are not familiar with the effects of anxiety symptoms because they do not recognize them as abnormal. As long as you feel stress, don’t ignore it, and try to deal with it in a positive way, you can be reassured that you are experiencing something normal.
A good place to start is by going to your doctor to discuss your problem and seek advice on how to help yourself. You may also want to visit a therapist, who can provide support and information on your anxiety.
Don’t try to diagnose yourself by your symptoms. Be aware of any changes you have noticed in your thoughts or feelings. In addition, take note of any physical sensations you may be experiencing, as well as any changes in your sleep patterns.
Any new information you learn can help you determine whether you are experiencing anxiety symptoms. You should also remember that these symptoms are common and they will pass. Instead of trying to avoid situations that you think may cause anxiety, take steps to prevent it.